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Úvod - Historické zajímavosti - Jizerské hory a Frýdlantsko - Hrady, zámky a zříceniny - Jizerské hory a Frýdlantsko - CASTLE FRÝDLANT



Negarantovaná informace
Address:Státní zámek Frýdlant, 464 01 Frýdlant v Čechách
Telephone:+420 482 312 130
GPS:50°54'54,940"N, 15°5'1,020"E
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This mighty, early Gothic castle was built by the powerful family of Ronovec, within whose period the center of the cylindrical tower was created. This tower, until today, dominates the whole structure. In 1278 the Frýdlant castle was passed over to the nobility of Biberštejn, who extended it to other buildings. The shape of the exterior was substantially changed by the Renaissance, particularly in the second half of the 16th century when the Italian architect Marco Spazio built a one story manor with Renaissance gables and graffiti decorated facades under the castle. The exterior of the standing buildings must have been adapted to the new style of architecture. After the battle of the White mountain (1620) the estate was obtained by Albrecht of Valdštejn. After his assassination the manor was obtained by Matyáš Gallas, the commander in chief of the imperial army. After fires in the manor, an early Baroque reconstruction took place. The historical construction interventions started to be projected into the architecture of the castle and the manor in the 19th century. What is really remarkable is that the collections in the castle were openly accessible to the public as early as 1801.

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